
I want it...and I want it NOW

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I am starting a list of random things that I want. Some I may never get. Some I may not even want when it comes time for my birthday or for Christmas or when I have the money or for my anniversary that is coming up VERY VERY soon HINT HINT MR SEAN WREN.... But they are things that I want at the moment. If I had the money RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND that i would get. And Heidi is number one on my list. What a freaking cool chick. Soooo ahead of her time. If you want to buy it for me, or yourself, or for me...HERE is the link.

4 people took the time to say:

Amber said...

I agree, I came, I saw, I want. She is awesome! When does this come out miss ash, let me know.

marygrace said...

Oh, the damage I can do with this! ;)

Anonymous said...

Right there with you! I was so close to clicking the preorder button last night...

Anonymous said...

yup... Heidi is the coolest,dude