
Made for the Long Haul

The other night I walked in from being at the grocery store. Sean was on the phone with his sister, and he had her on speakerphone. It must have been perfect timing because as SOON as I walked in, I heard her say in a really snotty voice:

If you don't mind me asking, what exactly does Ashley do all day? I mean you work all day and cook dinner, so what is it that Ashley does?
Had I not felt like cussing her out I would have responded with this:

In the last week I...

washed lots and lots of loads of laundry...
cleaned the toilets...
cleaned the bathtubs...
organized closets....
made and sent birthday cards...
cooked dinner....
made at least peanut butter and jelly sandwiches...
unpacked boxes...
taken bing to get his haircut....
went to the grocerystore...
made our beds...
volunteered at jude's school...
ordered julian's birthday presents...
ordered julian's birthday cake...
helped jude with his homework...
started his project on toads....
packed his lunchbox...
walked him to the bus-stop...
rocked marley to sleep...
swept the front porch...
took the kids to the library...
took the kids for a walk...
played candyland dvd with the kids...
and also battleship...
made halloween cookies...
changed a gazillion diapers...
loaded the dishwasher 20x...
made coffee....
made everyone breakfast...
given the kids baths....
read bedtime stories every single night...
take out meat to thaw for the next nights meal....
write notes to jude's teacher...
worked on animal flashcards with bing...
colored with bing...
showered my children with kisses... talked to my husband about our goals...
and thats only what I feel like typing!

so there!

For all you stay at home moms...I love and respect you. People tend to think we sit at home, watch Sex and the City and Desperate Housewives and eat bon and bons. Well thats the farthest thing from the truth. Some days I'm lucky if I even get a shower. I put my family before myself EVERY SINGLE DAY. Their needs before mine, EVERY SINGLE DAY. I don't want attention, I don't want praise...luckily my husband and children are very aware, and very grateful for all that I do. And that is more than enough for me. So the next time she calls...I'll definitely have an answer for her.


Wonder why women live longer...? BECAUSE WE ARE MADE FOR THE LONG HAUL...... and we can't die sooner, we still have things to do!!!!


ETA: No...No...No...the sad thing is, is that she DOES have kids...THREE of them! So how can she not know and understand? I think she is hatin' on the fact I have an amazing husband...

12 people took the time to say:

Vicky said...

Word. so sher doesnt have kids right...she hasnt lived.
heres to the great unwashed...(new baby = lack of showers haha!)

Tanya said...

Well, since I know BOTH of his sisters, just consider the source:P
You are amazing and always will be. She's just hatin'...miserable and wants everyone else to be, too.
You're too awesome to let it get you down.

sarah said...

YOU are amazing.

pakosta said...

does she have a nanny or what??! maybe she doesn't spend the quality time with her children that you do?!!!
you are just so good at wife/mother, that is what you are meant to do! and you don't have to justify any OF THIS to her!!!!!!!

Kimberly Scott said...

I would just like to add something to the bottom of that...


That's all!

Anonymous said...

My mil is the same way towards me. Every SAHM knows the real truth. When people condescend they are only trying to elevate themselves because they are insecure. So rock on in Knoxville and let those comments go - like water off a duck's back. I'm in Nashville - welcome to TN!

Michelle T

Jessica O'Brien said...

:P to her

Maria said...

So glad you're back Ash!!!! I've missed you :-)

JB said...

love the new banner!

Sarah said...


(that's a long blank for all that I'm NOT saying)

Power to the mamas.

Kate said...

TESTIFY SISTER~!!! You're happy, content and having fun so you must not be a "real" at home Mom! WHATEVER!!! She needs to get a grip on reality I think. I hope she reads your blog LOL.

Anonymous said...

i hear ya girl!