
Sharing is Caring.

To kit this amazingly inspirational kit go here.

My head has been spinning...I am so excited, so nervous, so anxious to teach my very first class at the SISiversary event next week.
I have been like a busy worker bee - and my children are probably sooo tired of hearing about it. I need that weekend away - to laugh, enjoy good friendships, make new friendships.

Summer is in full swing - so that means lots of swimming, lots of Flavor-Aid, and lots of sibling rivalry. Doing my best to breathe, chill, relax and just enjoy things the way they are.
Life moves so fast - so I might as well just enjoy the ride right?

Its 835pm - the kids are already asleep - Im eating a yellow apple.
Totally gonna get off this "devil box of a computer" and be productive.


6 people took the time to say:

Amber said...

i adore your crazy talented soul.
seriously. your pages make me so happy.
i can't wait to see you again.
and share my crazy world w/ you.
xo an

kristy.lynn @ kristy.makes said...

looooving the pages ash.
totally envious of those taking your sis classes.
hope you have a blast!

becky said...

such great pages :)

and i must say, you are looking very good friend!

Anonymous said...

Dude. You are so freaking TINY!!!

I sooo love your pages... and ditto to what Kristy Lynn said about being envious of those that get to take your SIS classes. You are going to rock 'em my friend! Have fun!

Anonymous said...

i love you more than butter

Anonymous said...

So... I came across your page by accident. I read your love story... it actually brought tears to my eyes. I don't even know you, but I wish I could be you lol... if even just for one day!