
Hey its OK...

a note to myself on forgiving myself.

Hey its OK...
To eat a slice of birthday cake while watching Chris Rock's Kill the Messenger.
(Even though it was nobody's birthday and it was a small slice from the grocery store)

Hey its OK...
To want to be Ali Edward's just for a day.
(I mean surely we all want to - just for 24 hours.)

Hey its OK...
To not go check the mail when your extremely chatty neighbor is checking hers too because you just don't feel like a three hour conversation on how the pecans fall off the tree and hit her car.

Hey its OK...
To send the kids to bed 30 minutes early so you can watch a movie with your husband, occasionally indulging in uninterrupted adult conversation.

Hey its OK...
To have you daughter named Marley but not know who The Wailers are.
(I now know- thank you Courtney)

Hey its OK...
To go get a drink of your water while the instructor starts repititions of lunges in Sculpting class.

Hey its OK...
To still be immature and laugh at certain words that shouldn't really be funny in the first place.

Hey its OK...
To serve your child waffles that were popped into the toaster as opposed to being made from scratch.

Hey its OK...
If you have to re-read some sentences that you don't understand from the book of the month in your book club. (Pride & Prejudice)

Its OK.

9 people took the time to say:

sarah said...

so much to comment on!
i numbered them ;)

1. totally okay. plus, you only bought a slice and not a whole cake :)

2. yes. just to have her creative ideas for a day would be FABULOUS.

4. i use to do this when i was a teenage babysitter before the kids could tell time. extra quiet-time for me before the parents came home!

6. dude. i SO did this last night! ha!

7. i work in a construction office...you should hear some of those words + terms. rod stiffener anyone? ;)

8. sometimes you just gotta have an eggo.


Rhi said...

it is so okay.
old english can be confusing!

Anonymous said...

loved this post. i tell myself this all the time. and seriously there is no way i will take the time to make waffles from scratch when i can pop one in the toaster and it take all of 3 minutes.

pakosta said...

i just adore you and this is WHY!!!!! HUGS!

kristy.lynn @ kristy.makes said...

i swear.
you blog and i'm just..

yea. wanna be ali edwards... but what about ashley wren. i'm sure more than a few of us would like to be in your shoes for just one day too :)

thanks for always saying those just right words :)

Anonymous said...

Yes it is!!! I am so proud to be your friend and I feel so honored to call you one of my best......REALLY!!

Pound said...


elizabeth rosemond said...

it is SO ok!! still loving class, btw :)

AlexM said...

love this post!
be indulgent with oneself makes life much easier.