
{+ & -}

Positive {+} I get off in 49 minutes.
Negative {-} Microsoft word can kiss my ass.

Positive {+} Its Friday
Negative {-} Sean has to work tonight.

Positive {+} My mom is in town.
Negative {-} She will sit in my recliner and watch CSI reruns all night and be a recluse.

Positive {+} I have some cool internet friends.
Negative {-} The same ones that I am awaiting return emails from.

Positive {+} The Black Eyed Peas CD is incredible.
Negative {-} Left in the jeep with Sean...

Positive {+} I get off in 42 minutes.
Negative {-} But i have to come back monday

Positive {+} Today is payday
Negative {-} Rent is due.

my overwhelming usage of {these} brackets are dedicated to Missy the Tune Mixer...{you know what i mean}
did you notice that i ENDED with my NEGATIVES ? I am such a pessimist...
{i told ya'll i needed Tony Robbins assistance}

im seriously not bitter.
just being silly.

6 people took the time to say:

Anonymous said...

Positive {+} I just got off the air
Negative {-} I hated my show

Positive{+} I get to go home and spend time with Connor
Negative {-} After he goes to bed, I have to make a boatload of pasta salad.

Positive{+}I get to go to a kickass partaaaay tomorrow
Negative{-} I have to make a boatload of pasta salad (did I mention that already?)

Positive{+}Ashley is one of my new fave internet buds.
Negative{-} She doesn't live near me :)

And you had me laught OUT LOUD, AT WORK with all of your brackets! Thanks for making me look like a crazed lady :p

Ashley Calder said...



kristina contes said...

What in the heck's wrong w/ CSI reruns???

Anonymous said...

wish i could curl up in a chair and be a recluse, but alas my children will need to be fed.

{btw,whatever happened to "betcha didn't know or wanna know" ?)

Amber said...

positive {+} great weekend
negative {-} it is over

that is all i got on a sunday....arg. tomorrow is monday and that makes amby super sad.....

Meghan said...

Loving this list..I might have to copy it....I suck..No creative bloggness...