
Bad Attributes

Attributes I cannot stand:

PHONEYNESS...{im not sure thats how you spell phoney...it looks funny, but you get my drift}
Fishing for compliments...{Oh I am so fat...Oh I have gained so much weight..}
Debbie Downers

I'm not in a bad mood...but while reading something these thoughts came to mind.

11 people took the time to say:

Anonymous said...

what has sparked this post?
I hope you just give those "debbie downers" a little kick in the pants.

have a good weekend sweets.. miss ya!

kristina contes said...

Yeah Ash, what up! I also am not a fan of these things...

But what the heck is a Debbie Downer, lol!?

island jen said...

wow...i'm curious also as to what sparked this list....kudos to your list though..it is very right on!

Meghan said...

Why did this post happen? I hate fake people too and won't bitch about my fat ass anymore, ok!?? ;)

Ashley Calder said...

hi Ash, not sure what's going on, or what miserable place you might have been reading at to spurn this post, but have to say, I agree with your list. And love "Debbie Downer". Very nice. :)


Colleen said...

amen sista! i'm gonna jump on the curiosity train too to see whazzup with the post.

oh, and i now have the "debbie downer" song in my head. :)

Amber said...

I have a feeling that i know what has spawned this....not positive, but yes very curious too.
I could not agree more my love muffin. Hope that you get this Debbie Downer out of your mind...

Amber said...

hey...i'm really missing u in blog land.....come back to me....i need useless knowledge....please....

Just this Girl said...

debbie downer? lost me on that one. arrogance drives me up the wall! hope you're not too upset from whatever you were reading!

Jude said...

My girls..My girls..My girls...
You all crack me up...
Why? This is why...Read your words.

MISSY: what has sparked this post?

JEN: i'm curious also as to what sparked this list

MEG: Why did this post happen?

ASHLEY: what miserable place you might have been reading

COLLEEN: i'm gonna jump on the curiosity train too to see whazzup with the post.

AMBER: but yes very curious too.

So, I will break it down for you. I read someone's blog that I just see right through...Just Bullshit. Just PHONEYNESS. Its rediculous really. And as if you all care...it was NONE of you. Love you all to bits.

island jen said...

Well pooey to the PHONEY person...and woohoo to you for keepin' it and all of us real!