
Phoenix here we come...

So...sean has been working on the "project house" so that we can get our asses in Phoenix...

Since we moved to Arkansas from England in January of 2003, we have wanted out of here. We always moaned and groaned about how we HATED the south. Hated rednecks. Hated racism. Hated that there were only two restaraunt choices. HATED that the only nearby college was a crummy community college blah blah blah (If any of those things offend you...I apologize, that is not my intention. However its how I feel.) So we have always wanted out...never knew where...never had any direction, but we always had criteria...This is what we have had listed in my journal for forever...

1. Big
2. Diversity
3. NBA Team
4. Good Schools
5. Safe
6. Amusement Park
7. Non-Southern
8. Must be a BLUE state

Well, we did a little research and I think that we will be moving to Phoenix. We found that its affordable, its big, its diverse, it has an NBA team (an EFFING good one at that), its got amazing colleges, its not in the south, and my girl Meg lives there.

Sean Im'd me and said:

Babe, we are 3000 dollars, and 20 hours away from making our DREAMS come true. It is possible.

I have never been more motivated! It seemed so within reach. Like I could touch it...I am so excited. If things go smoothly with the project house, we will be there by Christmas 2006. (Would like to be there by August so that Jude can start school) but we said Christmas in case we needed extra time.

this will by far be my greatest accomplishment in life...you girls have NO idea.
(besides bringing babies into the world)

stay tuned for tomorrow's entry...sean got propositioned by a crack whore...(hint: it involves her reaching for his genitals, and a five dollar bill)

love in a bucket,

15 people took the time to say:

Missy said...

The secret is out!
You said it out loud... now it HAS TO HAPPEN....
congrats sweetie... on making your dreams come true.

Missy said...

ah! And I'm very intruiged by the crack whore story... nice tease!

kristina contes said...

Yeah, what up w/ the crack whore???

Although I am jealous, I am excited for you. The possiblities are endless...we both know this. All I can do is pray.

Colleen said...

i can't wait to hear about the crack whore. that cracked me the eff up. oh, that was a bad pun. sorry.

i really admire you for this move. i mean, you know what you want and you are going to get it. and you will get it. i can feel it.

Jen said...

I am so happy for you!! What a great time in your life right now, when everything is just falling into place. And you used to live in England?? Tha is so cool!! Anyway, congrats my friend.

XOXO, jen

Ashley Calder said...

ooooh PIE,
I am so frigging (oops, effing) excited for you and your fam!! :)

I have no clue what a BLUE state is, but glad you have found one. I am so happy you'll be moving to a city where you already have a friend, that will make things so much easier. :)


missy s said...

i am happy for you! you need to go where you are happy and it will take some time to get used to the new place, but you need to make the most of it! we live in sc and my dh hates it here. go for it and just take your time and take it easy it will happen if you make it happen!

Anonymous said...

awesome about PHoenix! I'd love to go to AZ, seems like alot of talented SBers live there, soon to be a few more from the Wren fam huh? Good luck, I hope you guys can make this happen! Sounds awesome!

jessica said...

Wanting out of the south. I too feel that pain. It amazes me how many people here don't want more...they won't even vacation further north of Memphis. I've got my fingers crossed for you. Good luck:)

Meghan said...

I so was going to "out ya" but I didn't. Cannot wait to have you in my hood, chick. Love you to bits!

Chares Square Co-op said...

Well good for you. Making a decision and then making it "real" by announcing it must feel darn good...hugs and happiness to you!

island jen said...

OH Ash!! I'm rooting for you and sean and the boys!! GO ASH! GO ASH!...okay but one question about your list of where you want to move...what does Blue mean?

Hmmm...crack whore...ewww...!!

TriciaNae said...

that is awesome that your move is getting closer. I live in the south...but in a huge metropolitan area *dallas*. I like that there are comforts of the south...but we aren't "behind the times" if you know what I mean. I'm happy that you are moving forward...and here's to and early (august) move!!!

I love crack whore stories!!!

Amber said...

you are on your way friend. you have the drive, you have the cash flow, and you have the great family to make it all happen.
although, i think ohio would make a much better choice, i'm supa excited for you girl. all gitty and shit for you. i know this is what you want more than anything and i pray it goes smooth and exactly the way you want it to. you deserve it....xoxo

Anonymous said...

I think Oregon fills all your criteria too ;)