
Effer Dare Seven Chicksters

Happy Freaking Friday Ladybugs...
Put your thinking cap on because Effer Dare #7 is here...
One wish...
You probably already think about if you had three wishes what they would be...well narrow those down to one, and you have Effer Dare 7...

Kristi (Labelwhore)
Missy (Missynews)
Amber (Amber Nichole)
Meghan (Meghan H)
Ashley (Mandarin9)

4 people took the time to say:

Anonymous said...

wow girls, you've ALL made your pages soooo gorgeous and beautiful and you and WOW! you girls are simply AMAZING! thank you again for all your inspiration! keep up these dares - they're FABULOUS! Viv :0)

Ashley Calder said...

So freaking amazing! Wow. Love it. What a wonderful photo, Ms Pie :)

(and I can't believe it is Friday)


amberdusk said...

Hi! How does this whole thing work. Do you guys scrap together the dare, post it and then have others join? I am a little confused- Help!

Melissa said...

I had a hard time picking one wish..so I went for the silly wish. :)
