
Sneakie Peekie

Remember that

album I told you I was making?

I love it.

I do.

It was hard work, but i love it.

Its part of the things I made for Cocoa Daisy. Love the kit. Love all the girls on the design team. Love the mastermind, Tricia, behind the website. So honored, flattered, and floored to be asked to use the goodies. Seriously was a blast. The album is 26 pages...and I will post the FULL album here, as soon as the featured pages are shown at Cocoa Daisy.

I have lots more to write, blogger has not let me log in for the last week...but now I'm back.


8 people took the time to say:

Missy said...

you KNOW I know those eyes.
I can't wait to see the rest :)

Breanne Crawford said...

ohohoh. i can tell it's gonna be good.

hurry up and show us so i can stop holding my breath ;)

Amber said...

u sneaky girl.
i can't wait to peek out the rest.
misses u.

Pound said...

heh i can't wait to see the rest. what i saw was awesome. and i am so happy that you did this for cocoa daisy.

gabbyfek said...


Anonymous said...

you beautiful thing you
and 26 pages??!!
can't wait to see

michelle raMirez said...

LOVE this kit you put together.
and a 26 page book of ashley goodness...ack.
it'll be a beauty i'm sure!

sarah said...

hey, those are gwens eyes, aren't they?! :)

I just went over to cocoa daisy (I keep forgetting to check it out.)
NICE! I can't wait to see this 26 page masterpiece of yours...I got it bookmarked now so I won't forget.

and dude, the lady that runs cocoa daisy seriously lives like 10 minutes from me?! how crazy is that?!