

This girl inspires me.
Heck...I think she inspires everyone that comes across her.
I think she is a fantastic human being.
I have never met her, emailed her, or had a cup of coffee with her...but I adore her.
I had an unexpected internet break...exactly four weeks - and I wasn't really full force before I went without it.
It was a beautiful break - put lots of things in perspective for me.
(and found lots of hours in the day - that I never knew I had!)
There are so many things I want to do - both in life and creatively.
I write in my journal almost daily - and I truly try to snap photos of all the little things.
After being offline - and then reading Ali's entry, I realized its EXACTLY what I need.
A week in the life of me...I think its the best all around thing for me.
The photos, the writing, the slice of life.
I will update on my blog daily - to stay accountable to myself - and then make an album when the week is over.
I'm excited - I truly needed this.
Its what I'm all about.
I am not the best photographer - God knows I've tried to learn the technicalities...but I have yet to master the camera. But I document the things that matter -so who cares they are imperfect?
So everyday I shall update on my day!
(which totally keeps me up to date with the ole blogarooski)
So this is today.
September 30, 2008.

Halloween is approaching...and this little dude hangs on our front door.

Julian's lunchbox. Julian the Pokemon nut. I truly, truly enjoy making Jude's lunch every morning. Its one of those "Mom" things that I find joy in. The baggies, the fresh fruit, the peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches cut out with fun cookie cutters. Sweet & Thoughtful notes. Occasional stickers. I want him to look forward to lunch and snack time - never knowing whats in there....

These are the doors to the washer and dryer...The Wren Art Galleria. This is definitely one of those happy spots in our home, and the kids are so stoked when something they created gets added to the Galleria!
Ah...Mail Time. The cause of many sibling arguments. "Its MY turn to check it!!" Well, truth be known - I like checking the mail too. We get movies from Blockbuster online - and its always a war to see who's movie came in that day...and also since we live away from our family and most of our friends, we are fortunate enough to get happy mail frequently. So checking the mail is a joyous occasion.
Jude stayed home from school today - and I can count on ONE hand how many times he has gone to the Dr. in his almost 8 years of living. But, since moving to Tennessee, he has gone three times. Allergies I suppose..so these are the prescriptions for the little dude, and its his first time ever to get it in pill form - so he feels quite grown.
The car keys. Often used. Often misplaced. The shark bottle opener from Margaritaville, The keychains to our fitness center, our library, and the grocery store. Something so random - but that I use, hold, touch every single day.
The chore chart. The best system I have EVER used to get my little ones to do what is asked of them. I am doing a tutorial on this over @ SIStv next Thursday. If you have little ones you will definitely want to check it out. Its a big deal @ our house.
It is imperative that I make the everyday fun. Something as simple as grilled cheese for lunch - becomes fun for me and Bing with a flamingo pick! Its so easy to become a robot - and do things we always do (and sometimes with resentment)...make it FUN.
Sonic Happy Hour = The best thing ever. Half price drinks. The coolest. Today's order was: Jude=Sprite Zero, Marley Jane = Orange Slush, Sandler = Watermelon SlushJude's Project on Germs. (Notice the drawn germs to the left)
The cute, new phone that makes me feel like a teenager when I text. (and I'm pretty fast too - so all you young bucks BRING IT ON)
Until tomorrow.

6 people took the time to say:

Vanessa said...

mmm sonic! and yay fun new phone! i had another version of it, way fun to text on! <3

kristy.lynn @ kristy.makes said...

yaaaaaaaaaaa...!!! missed you! :) glad to have you back. i feel sorta old, but i long to txt.... everyone i know is 'not into it'!

Ryann said...

glad you are back and in full swing. I've added you to by blog reader and can't wait to catch up with your a day.... posts

Jan said...

Love reading your blog, Ashley! And - you are the bestest mom EVAH! Seriously!

Stephanie said...

I'm still not gonna text you.

Breanne Crawford said...

welcome back, aw :)