
Impromptu Checkered Covered Strawberries.

A husband that loves to bake + a wife that is trying to be extremely healthy = difficulties. Asking him to stop would be like him to ask me to stop scrapbooking...so its a tough situation.

My good friend Erin took Marley Jane for the day and it was just Sean, the boys and I. It was really weird without the Queen Bee...but much needed. She had a full day of playing with Erin's 2yr old daughter Alison, painting nails, and changing clothes multiple times. Julian taught me how to play the game of checkers while eating dinner. These are the big things! I never, ever want to forget these things.
Friday and Saturday brought me having an impromptu yard sale and the kids having an impromptu cupcake, cookie, & lemonade stand.
Seriously could you pass these three little faces and not at least give a donation?!

6 people took the time to say:

Tanya said...

I would have bought those kids OUT!!!! :) And strawberries are good for you...if you HAVE to eat through a little chocolate to be healthy...go for it:)

Denise said...

cupcakes are good for you!
Deepak Chopra talks about "intent" when creating food and how that can change the healthfullness of a food. A husband who loves his wife that bakes is probally filling the goods with lots of beautiful healthy energy. Maybe you could encourage him to chant while baking..."This is delicious and will keep Ashley healthy..."

pakosta said...

I would have bought ALL of it LOL! and given them a twenty dollars extra! HOW CUTE! love your cute kiddos!
oh man, a hubby that likes to bake = NOT GOOD! unless you are going somewhere and you can give it away HA HA!!!

xobellaaimox said...

you can do it :) save your cheats for once-per-year type stuff, like birthdays and holidays.

Traci Keriazakos said...

THey are just adorable Ashley! Just wanted to say Hello!!!

Aimee Ann said...

So cute! I'm the baker in our house... love the idea of chocolate covered strawberries. I'll have to give you my recipe for angel food cake. I've tweaked one and I LOVE it... and its super light and with some fresh strawberries and some fat free cool whip, its DIVINE. :) Have a super day!