
Gonna Try to Live this today...

in regards to weightloss, snapping @ the kids, being a crappy emailer back, with everything I beat myself up over...

The past does not define you, the present does.
—Jillian Michaels

5 people took the time to say:

Denise said...

You said it so well in your last post..one day at a time. I remember years ago, in a meeting that has a anon attached to it, I heard a wise woman say, "we never graduate." I had heard it before but that day it nearly took my breath away. The idea of that will either scare you into the fetal position sucking your thumb or just make you take a long, deep breath...and get on with it.

I love stopping in here to hear your words, thank you!

pakosta said...

I love that quote! and I LOVE Jillian!!!
she ROCKS!

pakosta said...

oh and i adore you!

Deana said...

Amen sista... :-)

Tanya said...

Thank God for that! If my past defined me...sheesh:)