
I love salt sprinkled on my watermelon.

(@ Target I found these papers you throw in the fire to make it turn colors)
Red & White checkered table cloths.
Watermelon slices.
Paper Lanterns.
Water Balloons.
Smores & Smores Cupcakes.
Fireflies in Jars. (Its a contest. And yes, we will set them free)
Green Punch with plastic bugs.
Flashlights. (with hide & seek)
Glow Sticks.
Huge score @ my girl Erin's...five awesome tree stumps for around our campfire.
Aluminum Cans (clean & with smooth edges) for the bug juice.
Silly String Fight.
Aluminum take out pans for the plates.
Bing turns five.
Its a camping party.
This is where I've been.
Lots to do!!!
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7 people took the time to say:

kristy.lynn @ kristy.makes said...

yea.... can i come??

Pound said...

love your list. but i don't love your title. evan puts sugar on his avocado and thinks it's weird that i put salt on mine though :D

Tanya said...

Salt on my 'melon and pepper on my cantaloupe...mmm. His party sounds awesome...that may be your new calling...party planner!!! Love you guys...big bing-day smoochies!

metrochic said...

hi. know what jan said to me before i left? that you were a bad influence on me. heh. LOVE IT.

Jessica said...

what a great idea for a party! hope your having a happy summer:)

Kimberly Scott said...

you should teach seminars on coolness. serious.

miss you. hope all is well in your world.


Steph said...

When I was a kid, we'd cut up a regular water hose and throw pieces in the camp fire and it would change the flame's color.